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A very inspiring speech by the Prime Minister of India. Credit was given to the Global Tiger Initiative we incubated within the World Bank and the Global Tiger Forum who is now taking the lead from New Delhi

From Prime Minister Narendra Modi's memorable soundbites at the 3rd Asian Ministerial Conference on Tiger Conservation in Delhi:

"Species belonging to the animal kingdom, usually do not act to their disadvantage. However, human beings are an exception. Our compulsions and cravings, our needs and greed, have led to shrinkage of natural habitat and destruction of ecosystems. Here, I recall the famous words of Gautam Buddha who said: “the forest is a peculiar organism of unlimited kindness. It affords protection to all beings, offering shade even to the axe-man who destroys it."

"For the Tiger Range Countries, a viable tiger population undoubtedly symbolises a mitigation strategy for climate change. This will create a huge carbon sink in the form of tiger bearing forests."…


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