Leadership, Knowledge, Learning, LLC provides customized capacity development solutions, to facilitate institutional and organizational change through collective engagement.


Many development initiatives and projects fail to deliver on their promises, because of the lack of attention to capacity development and to the political economy of reforms. Too often ready-made solutions are thrown at poorly diagnosed problems; important actors are not included in problem solving; interventions fail to recognize the complex and changing relationships among stakeholders and right-owners.

LKL offers a unique combination of leadership development, knowledge management, and learning solutions, to address the complex challenges clients face. It focuses on accelerating institutional reforms and organizational change through collective action.


LKL provides customized capacity development solutions, to facilitate institutional and organizational change through collective engagement.

Capacity for Reforms


The following principles underpin LKL engagement with its clients:

  • Detailed analysis of the context and interaction with the client to clarify the nature of the problem that needs to be addressed
  • Broad consultation with stakeholders to involve them into the design and implementation of solutions.
  • Tailored capacity development interventions to help different stakeholders engage in collective action.
  • Innovative leadership, knowledge and learning solutions
  • Comprehensive follow through, including tracking of intermediary outcomes and results.


The main services offered by LKL are intended to open up the space for collective action and reforms. They include leadership development, knowledge management, and learning solutions. In most cases, they combine several services to address the complex challenges clients face.